This week’s biblical characters is Noah. His story is told in Genesis 5:29 ending in Genesis 10:32 .
Other scriptures where he is mentioned includes 1 Chron 1:3, Is 54:9,Mt 24:37, Lk 3:36,1Pet 3:20, 2Pet 2:5
Noah’s story is well known, not just by Christians but also the non-religious. In 2014, Holywood produced a film titled Noah which purportedly narrates the chronology of the flood. The film raked in a lot of money to the producers but the story embedded in the film does not portray the true biblical account of events. The onus is therefore on us as today’s Christians to be alert and study the Bible for ourselves as more and more biblical accounts are adapted into films whose narratives may appear true to the undiscerning. The world will stop at nothing to rewrite the history of mankind as long as it is profitable for them.
*Strengths and Accomplishment*
•The only follower of God left in his generation
• the Second father of the human race
• First major ship builder
• Man of Patience, Consistency and Obedience (Genesis 6:22)
• First Preacher
• The Covenant made with him was the first biblical mention of Covenant
• Noah’s altar is the first mentioned in Scripture.
Lessons From Noah’s Life
• God is faithful to them that obey Him
• Obedience is a long-term commitment
• A man may be faithful, but his sin nature always travels with him. (Thank God that through Christ, this nature is no longer at work in us as we are set free by the law of the spirit of life)
•Even in the midst of troubles we are assured of God’s commitment to deliver us
• details such as how the animals will be collected etc, did not become a worry to Noah. He allowed God take care of the job details while he focused on the one thing that was needful- building the ark. We worry about details over which we have no control while neglecting those areas that are under our control such as attitude, relationships and responsibilities. We must like Noah, concentrate on what God has given us to do and leave the rest to God.
• His singular act of drunkeness negatively impacted his family negatively.
• Athough the flood wiped off the wicked from the earth, the possibility of evil still existed in the hearts of Noah and his family. Ham’s mocking attitude revealed a lack of respect for his father and God.
•An ungodly line,whose genealogy will be continued emerged from Noah’s descendants
Weakness And Mistakes
Unfortunately, though Gen 6:9 describes Noah as a righteous and blameless man among the people of his time, he also had some Weaknesses
• Noah, the great hero of faith, got drunk.
• Became a poor example of godliness to his sons.