Intercessory Prayers for Lost Souls

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Proverbs 11:30 “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise”.

Without a doubt, the message of Christ has shed light on many communities, brought comfort to those who are grieving, tranquility to those who are troubled, protection to those whose lives are in danger, freedom to those who are prisoners, hope to those who have lost all hope, and most importantly, salvation to the entire human race.

Many Christians can attest, God’s grace and power are clearly visible in our lives as they enable us to perform amazing feats and unimaginable deeds through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Having access to the Salvation through Christ, gives power to overcome difficulties, but the sad reality is that many people are still living in sin, shame, guilt, oppression, failure, etc, because they have not accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.
As a result, they are still wandering around in the world, wallowing in the pleasures of sin, and being held captive by the enemy.

Some of them have resisted accepting Christ because they place a high value on their traditions and customs, others have resisted accepting Christ because they earn their living through immoral or illegal means, which keeps them bound by the fear of how they would survive if they accept Christ, and still others have resisted accepting Christ because they claim to still be “enjoying” sin.

These people have unquestionably had their eyes blinded by the god of this world, as they are unable to recognize the benefits of Christ’s calling.
As Christ taught, it is crucial for those of us who have found salvation to pray fervently for the salvation of others, including their families, communities, and nations.

Use these Intercessory Prayers for lost souls to pray fervently for your loved ones and all people who are yet to be saved.

Intercessory Prayers For Lost Souls

1. Father, i thank you for your mercy and love toward the entire human race. We also thank you for giving us your son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. Lord we magnify you for your unending love towards us all even while we were deep in our sins, you died for us to save us, blessed be your Holy name

3. Father I thank you for all that you are doing for us, the rain, the sun, and for the free air we breathe, be thou magnified in Jesus mighty name

4. Lord i thank you on behalf of all human race, even the saved and the unsaved souls, for your great mercies upon us, that has kept us alive till this moment, be thou magnified in Jesus name

5. Father i know we have all sinned against you and fallen short of your glory, in our actions, words and thoughts, Lord please show us all your mercy in Jesus name

6. Father i seek your face concerning every unbeliever out there, let your mercy reach out to them mightily in Jesus name

7. Lord i ask that you touch their hearts and through your holy spirit l, let the work of salvation begin in their hearts in Jesus name

8. Holy spirit i ask beginning from our immediate environment that you cause there to be mass conversion of souls into Christianity in Jesus name

9. Lord let the people in this location be convicted of their sins and let them genuinely desire to live a holy life in Jesus name

10. Father as the preachers go out often to preach the gospel, let their words become seeds of salvation that will be sown in the heart of many in Jesus name

11. Help the evangelist, missionaries and preacher not to speak of their own selves, but enable them to speak under the influence and leading of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name

12. Let their words become an essential for all unbeliever who hear them in Jesus name

13. Father I ask that every evil cloud of deception placed on cities, communities so as to hinder the people from knowing the truth, be removed by fire in Jesus mighty name

14. I decree that in this nation, unbelievers  shall come to salvation in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

15. Every demonic scale that has covered the eyes of the unbelievers hindering them from believing in Jesus, I command those scales to fall off by fire in Jesus mighty name

16. The knowledge of God shall fill the whole earth as the water covers the sea in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

17. Father let your fear be in the hearts of both the believers and unbelievers that we may all live good lives in Jesus name

18. Lord for every stubborn believer, Father in your mercy please reveal yourself to them, let them see you in your glory and splendour, in Jesus name

19. Lord let deniable miracles erupt in the churches of God over the world that even the unbelievers will come to seek solution to their problems in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

20. Father I ask that you fill more believers with the gifts of the spirit that when we go for evangelism, the solution to the pains of these unbelievers will be revealed to us, and through that let many soul be won over to you in Jesus name

21. Father let your power be made manifest in the church of God as it was in the days of old, that many will marvel at your works and be converted in Jesus name

22. Lord help us the believers to work in love on a daily basis, that through our interactions and show of love, many will be converted to Christianity in Jesus name

23. Father by your fire, let every unbeliever that has been held captive by the stronghold of false religion be released by fire in Jesus name

24. Lord i ask that as you save the unbelievers, help them also to bring others to the light of your salvation in Jesus name

25. I decree that our land shall no longer accommodate evil, the peace of the Lord shall reign and through this peace many shall come to the knowledge of Christ in Jesus

26. Father we thank you for you are able to do beyond all we have asked, glory to you name Lord

27. Lord i thank you for it is your desire that many come to know you and be free from sickness, death etc, blessed be your name Lord

28. Father I thank you for the mass conversion of souls that will emerge in this season, all glory to you Lord

29. Thank you Jesus for hearing us always, be thou magnified in Jesus name

30. Thank you for all you intend to do in the lives of many in this season, blessed be your precious name Lord in Jesus name.

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