Table of Contents


1. Jesus has no respect for any person or tradition that contradicts the commands of God. Look at the way He addressed the Pharisees and the Scribes who gathered around Him calling them “Hypocrites.” Verse 6.

2.The word of God teaches us to honour our father and mother by taking care of them. Looking after them in their old age and giving them gifts but the Jewish tradition does not encourage the children to give gifts to their parents, rather, they said all gifts are committed to the temple. Jesus was angry with them because of this. Verses 11-13.

3.The Syrophoenician woman’s faith was commended by Jesus. Her faith in Jesus in spite of all the obstacles brought healing to her daughter who was possessed by a demon spirit.She refused to give up when the discples asked Jesus to drive her away and even when she finally got Jesus’ attention, she was likened to a dog. None of these discouraged her. At last, she got what she wanted. Verses 24-30.

4. We will receive whatever we need or want from the Lord when we are focused on the Lord knowing that He alone has the answers and solutions to our problems.

5. Jesus does everything well! He made the deaf and dumb both heard and spoke immediately. Nothing is impossible with Him. Verses 32-37.


1. Father please help me to humble myself before you always

2. Help me Lord to be a true follower of Christ and not just obey doctrines

3. Help me to keep my eyes focused on you always, circumstances notwithstanding

4. Lord help me to testify of your wonders in my life in this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

5. Help me Father to stand for the truth at all times in the mighty name of Jesus Christ



“What does it benefit a man to gain the whole world (with all its pleasures), and forfeit his own soul?

For what will a man give in exchange of his soul in ETERNAL LIFE ?

Indeed our Daily Decisions and Actions have ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES for PROFITS & LOSSES.

Watch It!

Compromise for Momentary gains resulting in ETERNAL LOSS is Absolute Disaster!

May The Lord in his Mercy help us consistently to Choose Right. (Amen)


1. I receive the grace to love the Lord with all my heart, my soul and strength

2. I shall not lose my focus on eternity in Jesus name

3. I refuse to embrace the World at the expense of my soul in Jesus name

4. I let go of whatsoever will separate me from the love of Christ in Jesus name

5. I walk daily in the light of God’s Word and in obedience to His will in Jesus name


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“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” (Proverbs 18:16)

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