Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Exodus 18

Psalm 12&14

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My Take On Exodus Chapter 18

I understand from this chapter that Moses had a great relationship with his Father in law – Jethro also called Reuel.

Moses lived with him for 40 years after her fled Egpty, he married Zipporah one of Reuel’s daughters. He served his father in law, a Midian Priest by taking care of the herds of sheep’s.

It was in the cause of serving as a shepherd that God called Moses to lead the Children of Israel out of bondage to the promised land. (Exo 2: 18-21).

From this chapter, we can understand that there was a very cordial relationship between Moses and Jethro. This relationship continued even when Moses left for his new assignment. It could be seen in the way he got approval from Jethro, without any sense of being taken advantage of when he was set to leave Midian! He sought understanding for his release and got it (Exo 4:18.20).

Let’s contrast this with Jacob and how he left his father in law – Laban (also his uncle). Jacob felt cheated and used, that when he was going to leave after 20 years of service; he did it stealthily without informing Laban. (Gen 31:17-22).

Chapter 18, really showcased the mutual respect and cordial relationship Moses and Jethro have. Jethro came to visit and reunite his daughter to her husband after he heard the news of how God was using Moses greatly. (Exo 18:5-8).

The outcome of the visit was a time of fellowship and worship of God, and a great counsel given to Moses on how to delegate some of his duties that was telling on him to others, to lighten the burden of leadership. This came after Jethro observed how Moses managed the interaction he had daily as a leader. (Exo 18: 13-23).

Lesson learned:

1. Moses has a high regard for his in-law. We should learn to manage people in our lives in whatever capacity they come!

2. He was willing to listen to a godly counsel from the right quarters. Regardless of being the leader, he was humble enough to take counsel.

3. If he had continued in his management style, he will have worn himself out too soon and the people will still be dissatisfied. Taking the good advise he got gave him time to give attention to more important things while others handle the other less aspects.

4. Delegation of duties is important to get the job done more effectively.

5. Everyone has their capabilities, those who judge 10 are doing well as those who judge 50s. This was what Jesus explained with the parable of the talents.

6. Working hard is good but working smart is better and more effective. Management books got the idea from the greatest best seller of all times – the bible.

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