Prayers Against Bad Dreams

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Psalm 4:8: I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, YAHUAH, only makest me dwell in safety.

Are you presently having bad dreams? Have you been seeking ways to be free permanently from terrible night experiences?

Do you desire total freedom from the activities of the enemies in the night? Say these prayers against bad dreams and the Lord shall grant you great deliverance in Jesus mighty name

The bible stated clearly in Psalm 126:2 that God gives his beloved sleep, therefore, everything that stands against your sleep is in total disobedience against the Word of God.

Proverb 3:4 also assures that when you lie down you will not have to be afraid because your sleep shall be sweet, this is another promise of divine peace for your sleep, and you must hold onto it.

Whatever is depriving you of enjoying a sweet sleep must be made to obey the Word of God concerning you, as the Bible encourages us to bring to obedience everything that exalts itself above the knowledge of God. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

So, how can you bring these bad dreams to obey the Word of God concerning your life? It is by first believing the Word of God

For the scripture says, they were unable to enter their rest because of unbelief (Hebrews 3:16).

Unbelief can rob you of your deliverance and freedom from bad dreams if care is not taken,

it doesn’t matter what you think is the cause of the bad dreams you are having, the fact that the Word of God has assured you restful sleep, you must believe it so you can properly receive your sweet sleep by faith.

Also asides believing in the Word of God you must confess it regularly. Do not be afraid to declare the Word of God even in this unpleasant situation, the God who created you in His image and after His likeness has assured you sweet sleep, therefore you must believe and confess the word of God daily over your life.

Another important thing you must do to begin to have a peaceful sleep is prayers.

Scriptures tell us that some things cannot go unless through prayers and fasting, therefore you will be praying with all of your heart against every power of hell sponsoring evil dreams against you in order to frustrate your life (Mathew 17:21),

And as you declare the Word of God in faith, and pray fervently against bad dreams, every demonic projection against your life causing you to have negative dreams shall be destroyed now in Jesus mighty name

Let’s proceed to the prayers.

Prayers Against Bad Dreams

1. Father I bless your holy name for your goodness and your love upon me and my family
2. Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness and your mercy upon me
3. Thank you for giving me your strength to face the challenges of each day
4. Thank you for your word that has assured that I shall overcome these bad dreams and nightmares
5. Thank you, Father, for your desire for me is to have a sweet and peaceful sleep
6. Lord I ask for your mercy in all ways I have sinned against you and fallen short of your glory
7. Father, please show me mercy in every way I have doubted your promises for my life
8. Lord Jesus please forgive me in all ways I have attracted the situation I am going through now by my careless attitude
9. Lord, please show me mercy for not praying and studying your Word regularly, let your mercy speak for me in Jesus mighty name
10. Oh Lord I ask that you grant me peace in my sleep always in Jesus’ name
11. Father let every force of darkness standing against my sweet sleep be destroyed by your fire
12. Every altar assigned to cause unsettlement in my life through nightmares, I come against you now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
13. Whoever has sworn that I will not know peace in my marriage, thereby afflicting me with bad dreams, I command the fire of the Lord to destroy now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
14. Ancient altars working against the advancement of my family members through demonic nightmares, I command your operation to cease in my family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
15. That evil dream that causes me to lose my pregnancy yearly, I command your operation to cease in my life in Jesus’ name
16. Every unfriendly friend sponsoring evil dreams in order to stop me from making progress I command you to be exposed by fire in Jesus’ name
17. Every good thing that these nightmares took away from me Father please cause there to be a divine restoration now in Jesus’ name
18. Every tongue arisen against my promotion in career and afflicting me with bad dreams, I command you to be silent now in Jesus’ name
19. I enter into my season of rest this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
20. The death programmed against me by demonic nightmares shall not come to pass in Jesus name
21. The Word of God has assured me of long life and I shall live to fulfill my days in Jesus name
22. I shall not lose any of my children in Jesus name
23. Demonic masquerade assigned against me in dream shall not conquer me, I am victorious through Christ Jesus and I shall overcome all works of darkness in Jesus mame
24. I shall not weep in this season rather I shall testify of the mercies and faithfulness of God
25. Every opportunity I have lost in time past due to the evil dreams I have been having, I take them back now in Jesus name
26. The gate of hell shall not prevail over my marriage in Jesus name
27. None of the negative dreams I have had shall come to pass over my life in Jesus name
28. I receive spiritual empowerment to fight against the works of darkness and to conquer in Jesus name
29. According to the Word of the Lord no weapon formed against my family shall prosper in Jesus name
30. Wherever I go the mercies of the Lord shall follow me in Jesus name.

31. I refuse to lose my job as projected by the bad dreams in Jesus name

32. I decree that I shall not lose my marriage and my health in Jesus name

33. My husband shall not lose the contracts he is bidding for, we shall laugh last in Jesus name

34. The enemies shall not prevail over my family in Jesus name

35. My daughters shall not walk in error in Jesus mighty name

36. My sons shall not bring shame and reproach to this family in Jesus powerful name

37. I soak my family members in the blood of Jesus Christ wherever we go we shall be protected by the angels of God in Jesus name

38. My date of celebration shall not turn into day of mourning in this season in Jesus name

39. All the evil dreams I have had concerning my family, shall not come to pass in Jesus name

40. Thank you Jesus Christ for delivering me from satanic manipulations

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