Prayers Against The Spirit Of Lust

Table of Contents

Are you presently struggling with the spirit of lust? These 30 prayers against the spirit of lust is what you need to break free.

Lust in simple terms is an unbridled strong sexual desire. The spirit of lust if not put under control can disgrace or destroy a person.

If you have realized that you are struggling with the spirit of lust, it is quite important for you to fight against the spirit of lust in prayers and consciously watch against it daily.

When studying the lives of great men in the bible days (1 Samule 11:4, Judges 6), the reason why many great men fell and failed to fulfil God’s mandate for their lives can be traced to lust.

Lust in most cases leads to sinful acts such as adultery, fornication, masturbation etc, thereby inviting the judgement of God upon anyone who indulges in it.

Without doubts, God hates the sin that lust births, hence in the old testament, He gave the commandments through Moses that the Israelites must not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14), and in the new testament, Jesus Christ went further to explain how lust relates to adultery, He said: “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” Matthew 5:28kjv

How Do I Stop Been Lustful?

The explanation Christ gave in Matthew 5:28 simply means that the sin of adultery, fornication, etc actually starts from the heart through lust, so to stop lusting, you need to guard your heart with all diligence (Proverbs 4:23), i.e feed your mind with the word of God regularly, think positive always, do not engage in any activity that will lure you into lusting (1 Thessalonians 5:22). This way you will be transformed into a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)

2. Pray Always

It is also very important that you learn to spend time in prayers to God, pour out your heart to God, acknowledging your weaknesses, and seeking for His help, because it is by the help of God that you can actually overcome the spirit of lust.

3. Fast Often Till You See A Change.

Fasting helps to subdue our flesh and it helps us to become more sensitive to the will of God.

Also, when a wrong doing is merely an habit, one can practice self discipline to stop such habit, but when that wrongdoing becomes an addiction, then there’s a high possibility that there’s an evil spirit involved,  that may want to keep you captive for a long time, so to get out of the grip of this evil spirit of lust, it is important that you fast more often till you see yourself totally free.

4. Make The Holy Spirit Your Best Companion

If you haven’t received the gift of the Holy Spirit, genuinely desire it and ask God to give you this gift. The Holy spirit through His teachings, (John 14:26) instructions and revelations, will help you to live your life to please God.

Let’s proceed to the prayers against the epitiy it of lust

30 Prayers Against The Spirit Of lust.

1. Father I thank you for your love and your mercy upon my life, blessed be your name in Jesus name

2. Lord I thank you for your grace that has kept me up till now, to you be all glory and honor in Jesus name

3. Father I thank you for giving me the opportunity to get rid of this evil spirit called lust, all glory to you in Jesus name

4. Lord I ask for your mercy in all ways I have engaged in lust, please forgive me in Jesus name

5. Of a truth, Father I have desired things wrongly against your will, please forgive me and let your mercy speak for me in Jesus name

6. Father please take away every stony heart from me and please give me a new heart of flesh that will always seek to obey God in Jesus name

7. Lord I ask that you help me overcome every lustful desire in my heart in Jesus name

8. Oh Lord please grant me the grace to say no to temptation in Jesus name

9. Lord help me to store up your word in my heart that I may not sin against you in Jesus name

10. Father let the altar of lust in my heart, catch fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

11. Father by your power set me free from the stronghold of the spirit of lust in Jesus name

12. Lord please help me to be strong enough to resist the temptation to lust always, in Jesus name

13. Father please uproot every seed of lust that has been sown in my life since childhood in Jesus name

14. Father by your mercy please help me to be holy in all of my endeavors in life in Jesus name

15. Every evil altar sponsoring the spirit of lust in my life, I command you to catch fire in Jesus name

16. Lord I receive the grace to apply your word in my life as I study It daily, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

17. By the blood of Jesus, I cancel every evil I have done against my destiny by indulging in sin, in Jesus name

18. I decree that the spirit of lust shall no longer control me, rather, I shall have rule over my own body, thoughts and actions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

19. I dissociate from every evil association that often leads me into ungodly and unrighteous paths in Jesus name

20. Every judgement of the devil against me, due to my lustful escapades, I cancel it now buy the blood of Jesus Christ

21. I decree that I have been redeemed with the blood of Christ

22. I shall no longer desire the things that will please only my flesh in Jesus name

23. My life shall daily glorify God, I shall continually live in the salvation of our Lord, in Jesus name

24. I shall no longer miss my way in life and destiny in Jesus name

25. I refuse to be a puppet for the devil to control anyhow in this season in Jesus name

26. My destiny shall not be aborted due to lustful lifestyle in Jesus name

27. I put on the full armour of God and I receive courage to withstand the temptataionsof the enemy in Jesus name

28. I cancel every shame, reproach and disgrace that the enemy has programmed into my future in Jesus name

29. I begin to walk in the new life that Christ has given to me, I shall no longer go the old sinful ways in Jesus mighty name

30. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers.



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