Deuteronomy 28:12- “The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow”.
Do you desire a great financial breakthrough in your business? Are you trusting God to cause your business to do well beyond your imagination in this season? Are you afraid that the unpleasant economic condition of your country may affect your business negatively to a large extent? Then you need to say these powerful prayers for financial breakthrough
Our God is strong and mighty, He is more than able to make your business increase and excel beyond your imagination, the bible says in Deuteronomy 8:18 that it is God who gives the capacity/power to get wealth, asides that, the Bible says that He is the Lord God of all flesh, Is there anything too hard for him to do?
This is why I know that God is able to increase you and grant you great financial freedom in this season.
You only need to believe in God and work in faith, working in faith requires you to take certain actions such as sowing seeds in the lives of both those who have and those who do not have, remember the bible says those who give to the poor lend to the Lord and you can be sure that when you lend God money He will surely repay you in multiple fold,
Also when you sow into the lives of those who already have, you are simply asking God to bless you the way he has blessed them (Proverbs 19:17, Proverbs 11:24-26, Galatians 6:7-8)
Asides sowing, you also need to pray to the Lord, that anything hindering you from breaking through financially will be taken away from your life. Are you ready to pray now?
Let’s proceed to the 40 prayers for financial breakthrough.
As you pray this day may the One who has promised to bless and increase you fulfil His promises over your life in Jesus mighty name, Remember the Bible encourages us to ask and it shall be given to us, seek and we shall find, knock and the door shall be opened, therefore expect speedy answers as you pray this day! (Psalm 115:14-15, Matthew 7:7,)
Prayers For Financial Breakthrough
1.Oh lord I bless your holy name for your faithfulness and kindness upon my life
2. Thank you father for your wonderful thoughts and plans for my life, to you be all the glory and praise
3. I am grateful for your thoughts for me is to prosper and to be in health even as my soul prospers.
4. Father thank you for distinguishing me for greatness in this season.
5. Lord I am grateful for you will use my life to show the enemies that there is nothing you cannot do, blessed be your righteous name forever.
6. Lord I ask for your mercy for I have sinned by mismanaging the finance you have entrusted in my hands in time past, show me mercy Lord.
7. Lord I ask that your mercy will reach out to me today and deliver me from every spirit of lack and poverty in Jesus name.
8. Father I ask in your mercy that you pave way for me in places I have never imagined in this season by your mercy lord.
9. King of kings I ask that you cause every hindrance against my financial abundance to be moved out of my way in Jesus powerful name.
10. Oh lord please arise to silence all the enemies of my financial blessings in business in Jesus name.
11. Every orchestration of darkness against my business I come against it by the blood of Jesus Christ.
12. I decree that my success in business shall be great indeed in Jesus name.
13. All those who have despised me in the past shall testify to God’s mercy upon my life in this season, in Jesus name.
14. I receive divine help and helpers like never before in Jesus mighty name.
15. My business shall go international in a short while from now in Jesus name.
16. I decree no more blockage no more embargo on my career path in Jesus name.
17. I receive back to back divine promotions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
18. Wherever I turn I shall have good news in Jesus name.
19. Only the goodness and mercy of God is permitted to follow me and my family all our days in Jesus name.
20. The days of poverty are over now in Jesus name.
21. All that I have lost in the past is restored now by the blood of Jesus Christ.
22. Lord please do a new thing in my business this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
23. My father let all those who have said nothing good can come out of me be shocked by your mercy and grace upon my life in Jesus name.
24. Oh lord I compel all those you have assigned to help my business to locate me quickly in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
25. I command the operation of evil altars against my finances to cease now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
26. Oh Lord please compel all things in creation to begin to work in my favor in Jesus name.
27. Father I decree that I enter into my season of wealth and riches now in Jesus name.
28. My business shall begin to enjoy great patronage from existing and new customers in Jesus name.
29. I decree no more lack in my life and in my family, we shall always have more than enough in Jesus name.
30. No evil power shall succeed against my business in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
31. I receive the divine wisdom to know what to do and how to go about it, that I shall begin to swim in wealth in Jesus name.
32. My business shall be known all over the World in Jesus name
33. Committed and loyal workers shall find me and my business in Jesus name.
34. I shall no longer with debts in Jesus name.
35. I receive the financial capacity to pay all my debts in the mighty name of the Lord.
36. No more lack of any kind in my family in Jesus name.
37. I decree that the season of drought is over in my family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
38. I received daily load of benefits spiritually and financially in Jesus name.
39. My joy shall be unending concerning my business and career in Jesus
40. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers.