Are you seeking prayers for your husband? Do you desire to pray your husband’s way out of any unpleasant situation? These 40 prayers for husbands are perfect for you.
God in his infinite mercy has decided that every home should have a head who is responsible for the happenings in the home and in the society at large, God has ordained husbands to be heads of the home just as Christ is the head of the church. (Ephesians 5:23)
The Word of God encourages us to first of all pray for all leaders and those in authorities(including husbands who are leaders in the home) that we may lead peaceful lives, who then is in the best position to pray for husbands asides from the wives? this is why we will be sharing with you 40 prayers for husbands (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
So has your husband been experiencing set back at work recently? Does he seem to be more under pressure in recent times than usual? Are you both trusting God for children, financial breakthrough, or any kind of blessing?
You need to pray these 40 powerful prayers for your husband.
Remember that if the head is sick all other parts of the body will be badly affected and in the same way, if the head of the home is not enjoying or operating in a perfect state spiritually, mentally, physically, financial, etc, the rest of the body will be badly affected, hence it’s important that you pray for not just your husband but for every head of the home out there (3 John 2)
As you say these prayers for your husband may the Lord perfect all that concerns your family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
Let’s proceed to the prayers for husbands.
Prayers For Husbands
1. Father i bless your holy name for your love and mercy your upon my husband
2. Thank you Lord for your divine protection and preservation upon his health
3. Thank you for leading and directing him in the way that he should go
4. Thank you for granting him great wisdom to seek your face concerning this home
5. Thank you for all you have done for him in the past and for all you are doing in the present
6. Thank you for frustrating the thoughts of the wicked concerning my husband
7. Thank you Lord for your evident presence upon his life and his business
8. Thank you for giving him hope and peace in you Lord
9. Father I ask that you forgive my husband in your mercy in all ways he has sinned against you
10. Lord please forgive him in every way he keeps going against your will
11. Please forgive him of the sin of disobedience against your divine purpose for us
12. Father let your light shine upon his path in this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 13. Oh Lord please make crooked places straight before him in this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
13. Father please help him to know you more in Jesus name
14. Father let your hand of protection be upon him now and always in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
15. Order his ways in your righteousness that your name may be glorified in Jesus name
16. Oh Lord please assign your angels to watch him and protect him in all his ways in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
17. Please increase him in wisdom and strength in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
18. Lord please make him a solution provider to the problems of many, in this season, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
19. Father please protect him from falling into demonic traps of the enemy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
20. Lord please preserve his health by your mercy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
21. Please make ways for my husband where there seems to be no way by your own power in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
22. Oh Lord let everything in creation work in favor of my husband this day, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
23. Let divine help rise for him from all nations of the earth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
24. Father please increase him above his imaginations and plans in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
25. Lord Jesus please heal him in his spirit, soul and body in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
26. Let our hearts be filled with your love and joy always, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
27. Lord in your mercy, let there be mind-blowing divine breakthrough for our family in this season in mighty name of Jesus Christ
28. Let your peace surround us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
29. Let there be evident promotions in our lives as couple in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
30. Lord I pray for every head of the home that you renew their strength and give them peace daily in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
31. Lord let their purpose be redefined in you by your mercy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
32. Help every husband to know and understand your will for their families in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
33. Please help every family to move beyond the survival stage to the stage of abundance, love, joy and overwhelming peace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
34. Let every intruder in any marriage, be destroyed speedily in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
35. Lord please separate our husbands from ungodly associations that can drag them into sin in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
36. By your mercy, please help every husband to be sensitive to your will and leading for their lives and their families, on daily basis in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
37. Oh Lord let every evil plot against any home leader be destroyed by your mercy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
38. Please rescue our husbands from every snare they have entered into by their carelessness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
39. Help them Lord to keep burning for you in righteousness,and holiness by the power of the Holy ghost in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
40. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers