Prayers For Marital Settlement

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Are you trusting God for marital settlement? Have you had several failed relationships in the past, and you’re tired of trying again? This is the right prayer for you in this season. These prayers for marital settlement are specially made for singles who have been looking unto God for God fearing partners who will walk through the journey of life with them.

The stage of singlehood can be quite frustrating especially if you have been in several relationships, where you have been committed financially, yet they all miserably.

However, the journey or stage of singlehood is not a journey you are meant to walk through alone, rather it’s required that you make God your partner on this journey. If you will agree with me, many of the relationships singles enter into, that ended bitterly would not have began at all, if each of the partners enquired from God before agreeing to start the relationship.

What many singles do is to first start the relationship, then inform God about it, rather than seek the face of God concerning it, then when the relationship starts facing problems, we try to make it work by our own wisdom and then end up been betrayed, disappointed, frustrated or even depressed.

So what is the way out? If you have been on this journey called relationship many times and you have ended up incurring scars instead of a wonderful married life, here is the way out!

Go back to your first love

Make God number one on your priority list:

The law has not changed: “love the Lord your God with all your heart, your mind and your life, then love your neighbor as yourself” Matthew 22:37-40 (paraphrased). The order should not be reversed if you desire the best of God.

Making God your priority means putting Him first in all that concerns you, beginning from the status of your relationship with God; establish and maintain a good relationship with God, communicate with Him daily, study His Word, understand His will for your life, and live daily with the intention to please God.

This will reflect in your relationship and interaction with everyone around you, and those you come in contact with.

Your intimate relationship with God and His Word will help you build inner beauty and virtues that will attract your future partner to you (1 Peter 3:3-4)

As Matthew 6:33 states, you are meant to seek first, the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing, including your future spouse will be added to you.

So, having learnt the one important thing you need to do to secure your marital settlement, let’s proceed to the 30 prayers for marital settlement.

In these prayers, you will be thanking God for the grace to be alive and sane, because only the living can desire to be settled maritally, you will also be asking for mercy in all ways you have gone against the order God has set for us, you will be rededicating your life to Christ, asking Him to reintroduce Himself to you that you may long to have fellowship with Him daily.

Without fail, you will also be breaking the strongholds of addictions, evil character traits, ordinance of hell, and everything that is standing against your marital settlement.

As you pray these prayers, your deliverance shall come quickly for the Lord shall perform a quick work in righteousness on your behalf so you may have the marital settlement you have long desired.

Let’s proceed to the 30 prayers for marital settlement

30 Prayers For Marital Settlement

1. Oh Lord I thank you for your great love over my life and my family.

2. Father I am grateful for the gift of life, thank you for sparing my life from all evils and for preserving me till this moment

3. Lord I thank you for your unfailing grace that is made avialable to me by the blood of Jesus Christ

4. Lord I thank you for orchestrating my path to see this article today, blessed be your name Lord

5. Father I thank you for shielding me from evil people who have evil intentions against me, all glory belongs to you Lord

6. Lord I thank you for all the times you have delivered me from my own mistakes and carelessness, all thanks belongs to you.

7. Father I ask for your forgiveness in all ways I have made wrong decisions against your will for my life

8. Father I plead your mercy in every way I have left you behind in the affairs of my life, please forgive me and show me mercy in Jesus name

9. Lord in everyway I have disobeyed your divine instructions regarding my marital life, Father please show me mercy today in Jesus name

10. In all ways I have been unequally yoked, with unbelievers, Lord please forgive me, pull me out and wash me clean by the blood of Jesus Christ

11. Oh Lord please come into my heart and be the Lord of my life again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

12. Father I rededicate my life to you, please take me and use me for your glory in Jesus name

13. Lord please open my eyes to see the things I have been doing wrongly in your sight in Jesus name

14. Father please help me to recognize everything in my life that is not consistent with your Word in Jesus name

15. Father please grant me the grace to study your Word daily in Jesus name

16. Lord please as I study help me to receive the revelations in your Word in Jesus mighty name

17. Lord purge out of me every evil character trait that I have inherited from my ancestors in Jesus name

18. Lord I receive the grace to yield to the leading of your Holy Spirit the more in Jesus name

19. Lord please let your Word dwell in me richly in Jesus mighty name

20. Father by your mercy help me to be a doer of your Word in Jesus name

21. Father please help me to begin to bear the fruits of the spirit in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

22. Father I receive grace to prioritize you In everything I do in Jesus name

23. Lord I reject every form of distraction that can make me pull back from knowing you more in Jesus name

24. Lord I reject every evil ordinance that is standing against my marital settlement in the mighty name of the Lord

25. Father I decree and declare that the activities of the forces of darkness shall not prevail over my marital journey in Jesus mighty name

26. Every evil seed that has been sown by my ancestors in their days that is coming back to haunt the female children in my family, I come against the evil seed by the blood of Jesus Christ

27. Every ancestral demon manipulating my relationships, making them end up in shame and regrets, I command your operations over my life to cease now by fire, in Jesus mighty name

28. Every enchantment that has been done against my life in order to delay me from getting married, I render you useless now by the blood of Jesus Christ

29. As I make God my number one, and as I serve in your presence, Father let my future partner locate me speedily in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

30. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers

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