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Let’s engaged in Prayers For Youths

Ecclesiastes 12:1 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;

Are you in search of prayers to offer for the young individuals in your church or community? Pray these specific prayers for the youth, and you shall bear witness to the great wonders of God in their lives, in the name of Jesus.

Undoubtedly, the young generation of today requires profound supplication to overcome the immorality, atrocities, and challenges prevalent in society. Numerous of them have succumbed to peer pressure, leading them to engage in detrimental choices and develop negative behaviors that negatively affects their lives.

It is disconcerting to witness the young generation grappling to adhere to the principles outlined in the Word of God. Many have succumbed to the allure of carnal desires, the need for peer approval, and the pursuit of wealth (1 Timothy 6:10).

As individuals who identify as believers, what appropriate actions should we take? Firstly, we must diligently instruct our children in the ways of the Lord, ensuring that they do not stray as they mature (Proverbs 22:6).

Additionally, it is our responsibility to reprimand and guide other young individuals

who may be veering off the right path (2 Timothy 4:2).

Lastly, and most significantly, we are called upon to fervently pray for these youths, imploring the Lord to illuminate their lives and extricate them from darkness, so that they may rediscover their purpose in Jesus name (1 Thessalonians 5:17, Isaiah 60:1-2).

The Word of God clearly states in our introductory verse the significance of young individuals dedicating themselves to serving God during their formative years, before the adversities of life arise.

Therefore, it is essential that we beseech the Lord to safeguard the youths from the influences of the adversary and guide them under the shelter of Christ, so that they may be preserved during times of difficulty.

With this noble objective in mind, we are pleased to present to you specifically designed powerful prayers for Youths.


Prayers For Youths

1. Dear Lord, I extend my deepest gratitude to you for bestowing your unwavering love upon the lives of our young individuals.

2. I express my heartfelt thanks to you, Father, for safeguarding them from the snares and traps set by malevolent forces. May your great name be exalted.

3. I acknowledge and appreciate your divine plans and merciful thoughts for our youth. They are filled with goodness and devoid of any evil intentions. May we forever glorify your sacred name, Lord, in the name of Jesus.

4. I am grateful for the wonderful future you have ordained for them. We extend our sincerest gratitude to you, O Lord.

5. Father, we beseech your mercy upon every youth who has strayed from the righteous path while indulging in worldly pursuits. May your mercy serve as their advocate, Lord, in the name of Jesus.

6. Dear Lord, we humbly beseech you to extend your divine mercy to every young individual who has found themselves entangled in misguided associations and activities.

7. We ask, O Father, to not harbor everlasting anger towards them, but rather allow your boundless mercy to prevail.

8. Lord, we earnestly request your intervention in liberating them from the clutches of darkness and their nefarious schemes that target the younger generation.

9. We implore you, Father, to arise and wage a formidable battle against the malevolent forces that seek to hinder their futures in Jesus name.

10. Dear Lord, we humbly beseech you to grant the gift of divine revelation to our youths, so that their understanding of you may deepen, leading them to abandon their wicked behaviors, all in the mighty name of Jesus.

11. We implore you, in your infinite mercy, to intervene and liberate the young populace from the influence of influential individuals engaged in nefarious activities.

12. Father, we earnestly request that you manifest your divine purpose in their lives, through the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

13. May there exist complete restitution of all that has been taken by the devil from them, O Lord, on this day, in the name of Jesus.

14. May the radiance of the gospel illuminate the hearts of the younger generation, enabling them to perceive and adhere to Your divine purpose for their existence, in Jesus’ name.

15. By the grace of the Lord, may there be a restoration of vision and purpose among all the young individuals, in the name of Jesus.

16. Heavenly Father, please ignite a renewed sense of devotion in their hearts to better serve and faithfully follow God throughout their lives, in the name of Jesus.

17. Please assist them in offering sincere worship from the depths of their hearts, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

18. Father in this current period, please eradicate any hindrances that prevent them from fully surrendering their lives to you, in Jesus name.

19. Lord, I humbly request that you raise bold and dedicated ambassadors of the gospel among the younger generation in this era, in the name of Jesus.

20. Please grant deliverance to individuals from the distractions found on the internet and all the temptations that the devil presents to entice them, in the name of Jesus.

21. Heavenly Father, we humbly ask for your guidance in aiding the younger generation to wholeheartedly pursue your divine purpose in every aspect of their lives, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

22. Lord, for those youths who have unwavering faith and commitment in Christ, we implore you to assist them in maintaining their steadfastness, and prevent them from succumbing to the snares set by the forces of evil, in Jesus’ name.

23. In your benevolence, Lord, we beseech you to guide and restore every misguided young individual to the path of righteousness, in the name of Jesus.

24. Dear Holy Spirit, we ask that you breathe on the seeds of salvation that reside within the hearts of our youth, ensuring the growth of these seeds and the repentance of our youths, in the name of Jesus.

25. We command the immediate annihilation of any negative influences and behaviors that are keeping our youth bound in the clutches of darkness in this territory, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

26. I hereby order the failure, through the powerful invocation of the name of Jesus Christ, of any and all plans and strategies devised by the devil to harm our young generation.

27. I establish that only the divine counsel of God shall prevail over our youth, in the exalted name of Jesus Christ.

28. These young individuals shall no longer heed the ideas put forth by the opposing force; instead, the teachings of the God shall persistently thrive within their hearts, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

29. Lord we beseech that there be a widespread transformation of souls into Christianity among the youths, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

30. We actively hinder the strategies devised by the opposing force to impede the prosperity of this nation through the young generation, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

31. Our young individuals shall possess a heightened sense of spiritual discernment to recognize and adhere to the divine intentions of God, acting in accordance with His will in Jesus name

32. We request that you, Father, illuminate the perception of the youth, enabling them to discern the malevolent designs of the devil which target their lives, thereby compelling them to wholeheartedly detach themselves from the devil’s influence, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

33. Father, for those young individuals who presently reside within society yet deceive others, including their parents and members of their church, by feigning righteousness, we beseech the Holy Spirit to instill a deep conviction within them, guiding them towards genuine repentance and the abandonment of their sinful ways, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

34. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, it is affirmed that the church of God shall not be overcome by the forces of darkness through the efforts of the younger generation.

35. We express our gratitude to you our Lord Jesus for granting our prayers.

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