Psalm 12&14

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Lessons From RACAD Genesis 12

1. Gen 12: 1-3 God told Abram to leave his Father’s house and then attached a promise to it. As many that have come to the saving Knowledge of Jesus has access enjoying the promise. We are blessed as a people despite not being from the middle East or directly related to Israel. Because of Jesus we have access to the Abrahamic covenant.

2.Gen 12: 4 Abram obeyed God by leaving his Father’s house, but it was partial obedience because he still took his nephew, Lot along.

3. Gen 12: 4b Abram at 75 left life as he knew it. starting all over again. We should not let age limit us in setting goals for ourselves. Caleb was still subduing mountains 85.

4. Gen 12: 7,8 – He kept moving as directed by God and he kept connecting to God by raising altars- a place of worship of God. We should also have a meeting point with God.

5. Gen 12: 10- However, the issues of life arose, there was famine in the Land. The bible did not tell us if he sought God concerning his relocation to Egypt. It is instructive that the bible said ‘he went down to Egypt. When a man is going into sin or against the will of God, It is usually put as he is going down.

6. Gen 12: 11-14 – He did not trust God enough to believe he can provide for him. He went to Egypt and still lied about his relationship to his wife. Very typical example of man who’s faith is shaky- willing to believe for far fetched things but not immediate needs.

7. Gen 12: 17- How merciful is this great God. Despite Abram’s shortcomings, he still had mercy by preserving Sarai’s virtue by not allowing Pharaoh to touch her. God still helped Abram. We thank you, Lord for not dealing with us according to our ways.

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