RACAD Study Of Bible Character: Sarah

Psalm 12&14

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RACAD Study Of Bible Character: Sarah

My thoughts and lessons in brief

For Sarah being married to Abraham meant absolute submission not just to him but his religion, beliefs , vision and all.

It is a wonder that God called Abraham…friend of God. Abraham being from Ur of the Chadeans is present day Iraq , meaning himself and father worshipped idols controlled by the moon; Moon god.

So it took personal revelation from Jehovah and faith to obey and move to Canaan. And faith to leave behind his idols, god, and everything to follow Yahweh’s instructions and divine leading.

Also faith to understand his new God, ways, recognise His voice and grow daily in him.
In life there are different seasons and phases and also levels. Grow in God.dont be satisfy with a certain level. Learn faith.

Recognize spiritual you reasons and move with them. Feel God’s temperature per time and move as thus.

This Sarah clung to by faith with all she had. She left behind barrenness and God she gave up all for gave her “Laughter”

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