Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Colossians 1

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents




Paul’s purpose in most of his epistles is to get his hearers to be heavenly minded as fast as he can

We saw this last week in

in Ephesians 1:15-18 & we are seeing it again in Colossians 1:8 -11

He gets them first and foremost to understand, appreciate and apprehend to celebrate their heavenly reality above all else

He presents it to them as larger than life such that they are willing to endure all things with joy (vs 11).

And as he tells them, so also we learn.

So what have I learnt?’

5 Things Worthy Of Note

1. Paul explained to the Colossian believers that because of their faith ( vs4) GOD has choosen to qualify them to be partakers of the inheritance of light with the saints, just like himself

2. Because of this same faith, GOD has delivered them from the power that the devil had over them and has translated them into HIS kingdom.

Here, we see Paul introducing GOD to the Colossians as father. He tried to use the relationship of father and son to get the Colossians to understand what GOD did in them.

Just as a biological son has inheritance to his father’s wealth, not because of any serious labour.on his part but merely because he is his child, so also has GOD chosen to make us partakers of HIS inheritance solely on the ground that by faith, we have become his children.

And as HIS children, HE now completes the change of address for us, formerly from the house of satan( where we lived under the control and power of darkness), GOD has us uprooted from that house ( so to say) and transferred & transplanted us into HIS own house where sons live with their parents.

3..Vs21- 23

He reminds them of where they came from (that they were once sinners, enemies of GOD) and where they are now( but JESUS came and reconciled them through the work he did on the cross by dying); he died as our substitute, then used his blood to cleanse us so he can present us before GOD as holy, blameless and above reproach,)

But this new wholesomeness comes with a proviso: – so long as they choose not to go back to where they were before but to remain where they are, clinging to their faith at all cost

4..He also made us realise that suffering is nothing to be compared with what GOD has in store for us as he showed himself gladly suffering for the sake of the gospel.

5..Finally, it was in Colossians that it was revealed to us the mystery that has been kept since creation.

When GOD created Adam and gave him free will, HE had a plan B, because HE knew the end from the beginning: HE knew Adam will mess up.

This plan B or mystery was known to only the GODhead, even the Angels had no clue.

And what was that mystery,? That man will never be left alone or forsaken, rather that CHRIST will now live in us, as a sign that our future is secured. *CHRIST IN US, THE HOPE OF GLORY.* Now, this isnt just for the Jews but for everyone who believes and is willing to abide by the principles that govern the covenant.

The Angels never knew this, satan and all his demons couldnt see this coming, hence the warning that this grace should not be taken for granted.

May GOD open our eyes to understand the enormity of these revelations and the impact it has on our lives.

Recommended Reads::

Proverbs 13

The light of the [uncompromisingly] righteous [is within him–it grows brighter and] rejoices, but the lamp of the wicked [furnishes only a derived, temporary light

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