Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Genesis 5

Psalm 12&14

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Enoch, the Patriarch story is found in Genesis 5 : 18- 24. very brief but heavy in the sense that it captures the very essence of the purpose of man’s existence here on earth; ‘OUR WALK WITH GOD’

Enoch’s score card is captured in a short sentence but all encompassing ,shows how he lived a victorious life. – ”And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him away”. Genesis. 5:24.

The word – ‘walk with God ‘ connotes fellowship & total obedience to the dictates of God’s will & purpose for his life which resulted in supernatural favour. The closeness was not seasonal , it spanned 300 years of dedication & devotion. Enoch lived up to his name (Enoch means – Dedicated – see why names are important)


1 – Enoch’s walk with God was visible:

He lived a life of faith in God – HEB. 11:5-6, He was consistent & grounded for 300 years.

2 – His walk with God was Vocal (Jude 1: 14-15):

He preached repentance and was not silent about the judgement to come as a result of unrighteousness .

3 – He was so tight with God:  God did not allow him to see corruption – death. He was taken away! What a closeness.


– Brethren, our walk with God is paramount. We are to walk with God through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit intently by faith. (Matt. 5:16, Heb.11:6)

– We can conveniently vocalize our belief in Christ if we live the life of righteousness no matter the state of decadence of the society as in the days of Enoch & Noah.

– Believers have been Charged with a mandate to preached the Gospel of Salvation to the end of the earth. Your space is your end of the earth , spread the good news that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the light.

– Enoch so pleased God, that could not bear to see him go through death. When we please God , He does the unimaginable!. God had to let Jesus go through death to redeem us even though God was pleased with Christ. The bible records the happenings of that day (Matthew 27vs 51 -52). God can never be indifferent about those who have faith, walk and please Him.

Recommended Reads::

Proverbs 12

Thoughts from Proverbs Chapter 12 Proverbs 12:4 An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in

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