JACOB the Hero- by Pastor Serena Olayebi-Edwards

Psalm 12&14

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JACOB the Hero- by Pastor Serena Olayebi-Edwards

Jacob was the immediate forefather of the Israelites as the nation is named after him. It was with him that the promise of God to Abraham started manifesting in magnitude – in Egypt where they became a large nation red.

Jacob the grandson of Abraham, the son of Isaac and Rebekah was first mentioned in Genesis 25. He was considered the second son of Isaac after his fraternal twin brother Esau . Their mother made an inquiry of the Lord about their birth before they were born and she found they were going to be great men – Fathers of Nations . The bible records that Isaac loved Esau, while Rebekah preferred Jacob. – Genesis 25:28.

While Jacob was the younger one, he was ambitious. He tricked Esau into giving up both his birthright and his father’s blessing.Gen.27:36. Therefore contrary to tradition of the day, Jacob became the head of the family.

When Esau realized Jacob’s treachery, he was angered and Jacob fled to his maternal uncle to find refuge. On that journey, God revealed Himself to him and gave him the same commission as his grandfather Abraham in Gen.28:13- the Mantle has been passed to him.

He served his uncle and fell in love with the younger daughter Rachel, but to his dismay, his uncle tricked him and gave him the older daughter to wife, he had to serve another seven years to marry the love of his life. Treachery runs in his maternal lineage!

Though Jacob was Laban’s nephew and double son in-law, it did not deter him from cheating Jacob of his wages too. But the blessing of God in his life is the game changer any day!.

God blessed Jacob so much that he became the envy of Laban & sons. He feared for his life & decided to go back to his homestead and on the way he had another encounter with God, this time he wrestled with God, came out with a limp and a changed name – ISRAEL.

Jacob was blessed with 12 sons and a daughter.

These 12 sons became the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel.

Jacob had serious issues of Jealousy between his wives, and also among children because of favoritism. This resulted in the selling of his favorite child into slavery.


•Despite leaving home and staying with a pagan uncle, he did not  the God of his Fathers Genesis 25: 20 – 21, 31: 3-forget 4., 41:42.

•Jacob had a tenacity that made him an achiever, (Gen. 31: 6)/

•He was very skilful and a good Manager, (Genesis 31 :38 -41) He took the business of his father -in- law to a higher dimension.

•Jacob was a good fighter. He was able to struggle with the Angel at Peniel all night without losing, likely because God wanted to teach him a lesson.

•He was conscious of the covenant God made with him at Bethel. Genesis 35:1-4.

This is the very essence of life that no matter where we find ourselves in life, we should never forsake God, we should be coéwnscious of His Love through Christ Jesus!. For he is our ever present help.

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