Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) John 12

Psalm 12&14

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I find an interesting twist in today’s reading 😄

I imagine Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were one of those referred to in John 12:42-43.

They didn’t identify with Jesus when he lived, but as soon as he died they are now at the fore front of giving him a Befitting burial.

It reminds me of our behaviour also when we fail to perform our obligations or responsibilities to loved ones when they are alive. But when they die, we rollout the drums and do all to celebrate their lives😟.

I think its thought provoking for me.

Wouldn’t it have been great to have associated with Jesus and be counted as his disciples while alive? Maybe more of the Jewish leaders would have even been persuaded by their own testimonies? But it didn’t happen. They hid their identities. So what’s the gain?

Joseph of Arimathea had the ears of pilate, going by the way he was able to get permission to take Jesus body away. But he aligned with the Jewish leaders’ position as they shouted “crucify him”

Check out their expenses, all for burial. And the 2 of them did everything by themselves as if to ease their consciences. Will all these ever equate to the honour of being called a disciple of Jesus?

Myrrh and aloes, about 70 pounds in weight. And a new tomb where no one ever laid…….

Bottom line is well captioned in Gal 6:10

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

What would you do differently given the opportunity you have

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