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And he arose, and went into the house; and he poured the oil on his head, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I have anointed thee king…” (2 Kings 9: 6).

In our Focal Scripture, Jehu was anointed with oil. According to Exodus 30 vs. 22-25, one vital ingredient in the anointing oil in Old Testament times, is the ‘Calamus’. Calamus has medicinal properties. So, when Jehu was anointed as King, he received the anointing for healing and health.

Friend, hear God’s word of grace to you: you have the anointing for divine health, and no sickness will survive in your body. No disease will hold you to ransom. No seasonal sickness will attack you; you won’t be brought down by ill-health; no epidemic shall affect you; the sicknesses that affect others won’t be your portion; the diseases that run in your family will no longer exist in your life; when sickness comes calling, there is an anointing in you that will destroy the sickness.

Because you have the anointing for divine health, God will arise and terminate every sickness in your body; God will destroy every generational sickness afflicting you; the blood of Jesus Christ will flush out every hidden sickness in your body; God will deal with every sickness that doctors can’t handle.

Every arrow of sickness the enemy has sent against you shall fail; every demonic arrangement to afflict you with strange sicknesses shall be scattered by the fire of God; every negative health report will be reversed. As days become weeks and weeks become months and months become years, your health will get better and better.

In Exodus 15 vs. 26, God’s promise is profound: “…I will never put any of these diseases upon thee…”.

Divine health is your portion. Insist on God’s word, and you shall have Divine Health.

Pray With Me:

Lord, divine health is my portion, I shall not be sick, in Jesus’ name!

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“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” (Proverbs 18:16)

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