This chapter is about the investiture of Aaron and his sons as Priests.
1. God is the One who appointed Aaron and his sons in to the office of a priest.
2. Moses is the Master of the Ceremony.
3.The congregation of the Tabernacle is the audience and witness.
4. There are laws governing the investiture of a priest and rituals to perform.
RITUALS for example:
– Bathing of the priest with water before the congregation.
– Clothing of the priest.
– Laying of the priest’s hand on the sacrificial animals.
– Killing of bullock and ram.
– Blood sprinkling
– Washing of the inwards and the legs of the sacrificial rams.
-The whole burnt offering of the sacrificial animals.
– Anointing of the priest.
– Wavering of the sacrifice.
– Eating of the sacrificial meat by the Priests only.
– Sanctification of Aaron and his sons by sprinkling of blood and anointing oil.
– The Consecration of the priest for seven days.
Moses put the blood of the sacrificed animal on the tip of Aaron’s right ear, right thumb and the right big toe, the same was done to the sons of Aaron.
Moses also anointed Aaron and his sons with anointing oil on the tip of their right ear, right thumb and the right big toe.
He also sprinkled the blood of the sacrificial animals and the anointing oil from the altar on Aaron and his sons and their garments for Sanctification.
As I watched the ordination ceremony today, I observed that the full time pastors were anointed on the tip of their right ears, right thumbs and their right big toes as instructed by God in this chapter.
I think why some churches don’t perform the dressing up of the Priests is that they believe that the spiritual dressing and decoration by God is the best equipment!
Father, thank You for the gift of men for the work of the ministry!
Father, thank You for equipping the saints for the end time harvest!
Father, help us to manifest our sonship daily and make us relevant in the propagation of Christ’s Kingdom on the earth in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!
No one takes this honour to himself. Those He called, He equipped.