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“…Gird up thy loins, and take this box of oil in thine hand, and go to Ramothgilead:” (2 Kings 9: 1).

When Elisha called the trainee prophet to go and anoint Jehu as King of Israel, he instructed him to take a box of oil. The anointing oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit; so, the trainee prophet needed more anointing of the Holy Spirit in order to perform his assignment; he needed to step up his anointing in order to perform exploits.

Friend, if you intend to live a life of massive exploits, seek more of God’s anointing in your life. Seek more of God’s presence and power; seek more of the Spirit of God in you; open up your inner man and ask God to fill you again and again; take deliberate steps to be more and more close to God.

When God’s anointing is on you, it breaks every yoke of the enemy, it causes impossibilities to become possible, and it empowers you to achieve what your human strength cannot achieve. God’s anointing gives you access into the realm of the supernatural; it is your access into heavenly assets. The anointing gives you ideas that will rule your world.

There are levels you may not attain with your human strength, but God’s anointing in you will make it easier and faster. There are battles you may not win easily, but God’s presence and power will give you victory with ease. When the anointing is on you, no limitation can limit your achievement.

The anointing of a new king was an uncommon assignment, and no one did that without the anointing oil. There are uncommon assignments you may never fulfill in life, and there are uncommon exploits that may forever elude you until God’s anointing upon your life grows to the next level.

Ask God for more of His anointing and power today; grow in the anointing, and your life will be a tale of uncommon exploits.

Pray With Me:

Lord, give me more of Your anointing, in Jesus’ name!

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