Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents

King Saul was the very first king of Israel.
The book of judges ended with Judges 21:25

In those days,there was no king in Israel, everyman did that which was right in his own eyes

Israel was a nation that was different from other nations because it was a nation that practiced Theocracy.

Yet time and time again, Israel desired to be like other nations that had kings, moreso that most often the children of the leaders that GOD used to guide them as Judges did not always conduct themselves well.

Eli’s children, Samuel’s children were huge disappointments and the children of Israel felt if they had a king, they would not be victims of failed leaders and they would always have him lead them to war. 1 Sam8:19

Samuel itemized the burden, having a king would be to them, but they persisted.
It was in this background that GOD granted Israel their request and gave them their 1st King, Saul.

Who was Saul?
1. He was a young man of 31 years old from the tribe of Benjamin and from a pretty influential family.
2. He was handsome, well built and the tallest man in Israel.
3. He was a very determined and responsible person.

1. From the moment, Samuel anointed him as king as commanded by the LORD, the LORD prepared him to succeed in the office HE assigned him into. GOD gave him another heart and HIS SPIRIT to enable him carry out the duties of a king. 1 Samuel 10:9
2. As a king he did awesomely well in leading Israel to wars and defeating their enemies. This greatly endeared him to the people. 1Sam14:47-48
4. He was also able to identify potential leaders for his army. He built a formidable army from scratch. 1 Samuel 14:52
6. He showed wisdom in uniting Israel instead of taking revenge on those who mocked his leadership abilities.
7. He was not impartial. Even when the offender was his son, he did not renege on his word. 1Sam14:44
4. He was not a weak man at all.

1. Despite his pedigree and great built, he was quite timid, though likeable. 1Sam9:21. He never believed he measured up to be king and was in denial, moreso when there was no precedence to take a cue from. He couldn’t even tell his uncle about his encounter with Samuel; Compare to Mary’s response in Luke 1:38, “let it be unto me according to thy word” and she left it in GOD’s hands.
2. He didn’t know how to leave his life in GOD’s hands.
3. He couldn’t handle his success. His achievements fueled his pride. He never knew he could attain to such feats and felt all powerful, that not even GOD could stop him. A delusion that led him to commit unspeakable atrocities like killing almost the whole family of Ahimelech, the priest.
4. He was timid and feared to be seen as a coward. Maybe he needed the praise of men to feed his ego. He was ready to do anything to win the adulation of men, even if it meant disobeying GOD’s instruction. 1Sam15:30-31.

5. He was unrepentant when corrected and this caused the spirit of GOD to leave him.

6. He was ruthless in dealing with anything and anybody that he considered an enemy to his progress
7. He allowed his emotions to rule him; his anger, envy and Jealousy of David were a blinding passion that led him to become paranoid and distracted him from his major duties.
8. His pride and ambition kept him from repentance and led him into occultism.
9. He did not know when to give in. Despite his many failed attempts to kill David, though knowing that GOD was with him. 1Sam 24:20.
10. Nos 1-9 can be traced to his inability to trust GOD totally, right from the moment he was anointed king to moments when faced with the advancing enemies.

1. Saul was set up for success. GOD was committed to making him HIS king and his children after him but he failed to obey GOD and GOD had to get a plan B, David Acts1:20.
GOD’s good plans for us can only be possible if we walk in total, not partial obedience. Gen3: 24.

2.Whatever height we attain in life is by the grace of GOD, maintaining that height is still by the grace of GOD
3. We may have secret fears, some feelings of inadequacies or even pride, envy. We must know to confront them and seek help from the LORD to overcome them or else the they will overcomes me us.


1. Dear LORD help us to trust you no matter what and grant us the grace to hear your voice and the wisdom to obey you.
2. Father, deliver us from every secret sin or habits in the mighty name of JESUS Amen

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