The aim and objective of this meeting today is to challenge your mind, in Philippians chapter 3:16, there was something that Paul was pursuing, though he was an accomplished lawyer, he ran his pedigree in the same Philippians Chapter 3, from the tribe of Benjamin, he schooled under a Doctor of law; Gamelia.
Though Paul’s pedigree was high but yet there was something that he was looking for. I speak with all humility, please do not misunderstand me, I am an accomplished captain of an airline, virtually the best in Africa.
I am by the grace of God very comfortable but there’s something I’m looking for so the objective is to use this discuss to appeal to as many that will join me to look for this thing and I know when I find it.
We have settled at this point for too long, we have wallowed in this understanding of self worth that spiritually we have arrived, meanwhile we have not even started.
Philippians 3:12 NLT “ 12 I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me”.
Do you wonder how God is still relevant in almost 7000 years He has created humanity, May God give us understanding.
I have travelled in the whole of Middle East, and Africa, there are very few airports that I’ve never been and I relate with people, I have come to this understanding that as an African man, the balance is tilted against us.
For you to do anything creative on the World stage is a tough task, even in business we are seriously under performing, in science the balance is tilted against us, but there is a plain, a level, a platform and when you get to that platform, God becomes the leveller of all things, in most cases he tilts that balance in your favor.
For example, Joseph in a strange land, as a prisoner, the balance and odds were so much against him but there was a level he operated at, when he got to that plain, the balance was tilted in his favor, and that’s the only option we have as Africans.
Whenever I travel out of the country, and there are inadmissible passengers, I.e those who are leaving the country with so much desperation that they use incorrect documents, when they get to the border, they turn them back and say they are not qualified to enter.
So here’s the point, almost always, out of every six 5 and half are Nigerians.
There’s a structure that has perpetuated this country in this fate for these years but as the Lord lives, the one who terminated the rulership of Babylon over Israel, that rulership is been terminated today in the name of Jesus Christ.
The princes among provinces have become force laborers, the Moses are turning to Musas, the Samuels are turning to Ismails.
Do you know where we are coming short of? We have the God of heaven and earth inside of us and we are like beside the water, but we are still thirsty.
Do you know what? You don’t even have any choice, you have to join me on this search, I am not satisfied, though I’m seeing trickles but I’m not satisfied, until the valve of my soul opens and the spirit of God flows out.
Scripture says: How terrible are your works oh Lord through the greatness of your power shall the people submit themselves unto you, it doesn’t matter whether they are green,white or red. Join me look for this, when you find Him, it is not you who will say you’ve found Him, the things around you will speak.
We are gradually getting to an era where your creativity will determine your placement, already we are under performing, already the load is upon us, we have been unable to break out from the shackles of slavery.
Though William Wilberforce did the legislative framework, they politically say that you will have freedom but the truth is this: economically we are still under.
There’s something that the spirit of God will put you over and above, and men will see and marvel, we are still at the stage where Moses did one and the magicians in Egypt responded with another miracle.
There is a level that they got to that they said amongst themselves: “this is the finger of God”. This is the level we need to start operating at.
The spirit of God once told me, do you know the difference between a prophet and a priest? I didn’t know that, but according to Exodus 6: 1-3
There is a process of appearing to; when you have many encounters with God, He is introducing Himself. When you have many encounters with God, you are still at the level of introduction. In Galatians 1:16-18, Paul said this, There is a process of been revealed to; there is a process of been revealed through.
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