The Mystery Of The Blood Covenant By Rev. Joe Olaiya 

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I will share with you about the mystery of the blood covenant made with the blood of Jesus.

In this global annual convention of Glory to glory, I want to assure you according to what God had said to us that you are moving to a much higher level of Glory, Amen

Remember when God speaks, we only enter into what God says when we believe what He has said, so tell yourself: “I’m moving too much higher glory I’m going from glory to glory, glory that is beyond my present imagination, Amen”

Whatever we are doing here is based on the mercy of God and we have prayed earnestly that God will open the flood gate of mercy, and that gate is already opened.

The mystery and power that is in the blood of Jesus; there’s a covenant that God made with Abraham and He made it a blood covenant, He re-established that covenant with the children of Abraham, but because part of the promise to Abraham was that in him and in his seed, shall all the families of the earth be blessed, the covenant was therefore made accessible or extendable to every family in the World, and I want to congratulate you because through you, your family has been sealed as an extension of the covenant .

The covenant is between mankind and God but God didn’t want to bring everyone into it, God wanted people to come in to this covenant relationship by their choices, by their own will, he could have generalize it, and made it open but He made the entry point individual, so don’t rest until every person in your family has come into this covenant.

The covenant between God and man is the blood covenant and God provided the blood that will be used for the covenant by sending his son in the likeness of men. One of them in the Godhead called the Word of God, named Jesus Christ in His human body called Emmanuel, described by prophet Isaiah as wonderful, counsellor, mighty God, everlasting Father,

This child was to be born of a virgin, in the World, because scripture says “For unto us a child is born, for unto us a son is given but before he described the child, or define His characteristics, he said in Isaiah 7:14, behold a virgin will conceive and bring forth a child,

His name shall be called Emmanuel, which means God with Us, i.e God our creator coming to stay with us.

Don’t let it sound incredible to you that our creator is staying with us, if He created us, like Himself(Genesis 1:27) then He can stay with us but before then, He has spoken in Psalm 2:7 that He has set a day in which His son will be born in the World, that’s about a thousand years before Jesus Christ was born.

But before then, after the fall of man that Satan celebrated that he has gotten victory over mankind, God had said in Genesis 3, that the woman shall have a seed, the seed shall bruise the head of the serpent, God was simply saying that there’s going to be a new champion that will arise in the World, He will not be like the first champion (Adam) that fell to satan but He (Jesus) will be a champion that will bruise the head of Satan

So God did not give up on mankind, rather from mankind He(God) promised to bring forth another champion.

That Champion(Jesus Christ) will NOT just be like one of us, i.e corrupted, susceptible to defeat, and vulnerable but He (Jesus) will be a champion that has a standing, one who CANNOT be corrupted and is NOT vulnerable.

You may be wondering now: How will he raise the champion amongst men since the entire mankind is corrupt?

 God decided that He will cause a woman to be pregnant, God sent an angel as recorded in the books of Luke 1:26-35, The angel came to  a Virgin called Mary from the House and family of David, who was espoused waiting to get married to another young man from the house of David called Joseph, because they were not yet married, they were still staying separate…..

For the rest of the sermon, click on the link below to watch the message fully on YouTube.

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