Bible Commentary On Psalm 34

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents

Today, we study the Book of Psalms 34 where Power in PRAISING THE LORD is highlighted and the “VOW” to praise the Lord ALWAYS is affirmed.


Do Not Hold Back Your Praises’

Key Scriptures

Psalms 34:1

“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”



The Bible declares that “It is a good and delightful thing to give thanks to the Lord, to sing Praises to Your Name, O most High”

(Psalms 92:1 Amplified)

We agree with The Psalmist that The Lord deserves our PRAISES

The POSER today is:

Are there circumstances that affect/impact our PRAISE-O-METER?

Let’s consider these scenarios:

1.”He Has Done Great Things”

Brethren, It is natural and EASIER to Praise Him when His Love and Mighty works are EXPERIENCED

In the Hour of Victory-Lets Praise Him and sing:” WHO IS LIKE UNTO THEE…GLORIOUS IN HOLINESS, FEARFUL IN PRAISES” (Ex. 15:11)

We should CONTINUOUSLY sing: “Bless The Lord oh my Soul- FORGET NOT HIS BENEFITS” (Ps 103: 1-8)

2. In The Dark Season 

Brethren, there are Dark Days and Storms in the Life of Believers

Can we still praise?

Yes we can!

Even: “If the fig tree does not blossom and the vines have no grapes”- Let’s Praise Him!

(Habakkuk 3:17)

3. When In Prison

Even if wrongfully kept in prison for His sake like Paul and Silas – Let’s keep “praying and singing hymns to God”

(Acts 16:25)

4. Fighting Battles

When confronted with the “WALLS OF JERICHO”, Let’s co-operate with the Priests with SHOUTING

(Joshua 6:1-27)

JEHOSHAPHAT also employed PRAISE as a weapon of Warfare

(2 Chronicles 20: 1-24)

Verse 21 of Second CHRONICLES Chapter Twenty recorded that:

“After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendour of his Holiness as they went out at the head of the army saying:

“Give thanks to the Lord,

For His Love Endures forever”

As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of AMMON and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.

They Helped To Destroy One Another

Folks, praise is a weapon of spiritual warfare!

Hallelujah !!

5. While Believing God For Answers

Praising and GIVING THANKS ahead of Answers to Prayers is a VOTE OF CONFIDENCE in His Faithfulness and Goodness.

(Mark 11:22-24)

Brethren, We should ALWAYS : “Give Praise to the Lord, Proclaim His Name; make known among the nations what He has done, and Proclaim that His name is exalted” ( Ps.105:1-2)


The Best “Offering” to The Lord is OUR PRAISE & WORSHIP because He inhabits the Praise of His People. (Ps 22:3)


Psalms 34: 1-3

Psalms 92:1

Psalms 103: 1-8

Habakkuk 3:17

Acts 16:25

Joshua 6: 1-27

2 Chronicles 20: 1-24

Mark 11:22-24

Psalms 105 :1-4

Isaiah 12:4

Psalms 22:3

Psalms 145:1-2

Prayer (Psalms 145 :1-2

I will exalt you, my God The King.

I will praise your name for ever and ever

Everyday I will bless you,

And I will praise Your Name forever and ever.

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