Table of Contents

Connect To God’s Word

Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.” (1 Kings 17: 3).

God told Elijah to hide by the Brook Cherith. A brook is a stream; so God sent Elijah to hide in a stream, where there was water. Ephesians 5 vs. 26 likens God’s Word to water; so, God sent Elijah to hide in the place of the Word; He sent Elijah to find protection in the Word; He sent Elijah to be shielded in the place of the Word.

Friend, God’s word is the protection you need. God’s word is the hammer that will break every opposition against you to pieces; God’s word is the fire that will consume every enemy of your destiny; God’s word is the shield that will stop the arrows of the enemy from hitting you; God’s word is the means by which God will secure your destiny from the fiery darts of the wicked one; God’s word is the reason why the enemy will not prevail over you; God’s word is your victory secret.

When you feed on God’s word, you are making yourself too strong for the enemy; when you believe God’s word, you are making your faith unshakeable, and you are defeating the enemy; when you read or listen to God’s word, you are simply giving it a chance to grow and prevail in your destiny.

Speak God’s word into your destiny; feed on it every day; believe it, affirm it, declare it, shout it, listen to it, meditate on it, and make it your watchword. God’s word will take you beyond the reach of the enemy; when the enemy arises to conquer you, conquer him with God’s word.

Don’t make the mistake of staying without a regular dose of God’s word; remember, the Brook Cherith hid and protected Elijah; God’s word will hide and protect your destiny.

Pray With Me: Lord, Your Word is my shield, in Jesus’ name!


Never Look Down On Yourself: There is Greatness On Your Inside

And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.” (1 Kings 17: 4).

The Brook of Cherith was a stream that flowed into Jordan; it was not as big as Jordan, the water from Cherith looked small, but it made River Jordan bigger; the water from Cherith may have seemed negligible, but it created a big river in Jordan. The Brook looked small, but it accomplished something big.

Friend, hear God’s Word of Grace to you: you may be small but you will accomplish big things. You may look small in the eyes of men, you may not look great, but you will do mighty things. You may not look important but you will be relevant in your generation; you may not look mighty, but you shall do uncommon exploits.

You may not be the richest or most intelligent, but you are unstoppable; you may not be as highly placed as people around you, but you will do mighty things from your little corner; you may be insignificant in the eyes of men, but you will do significant exploits that will amaze people.

Your achievement is not about what you look like; it’s all about the grace of God that will work in you and through you. Even when you feel you can’t do it, God’s grace will do it through you; even when you seem incapable, God’s grace will make you capable.

The fact that you don’t look big in life will not stop you from doing big things. What you don’t have will not stop you; your inadequacy will not be a limitation; your imperfection is God’s raw material for your next level. There is greatness on the inside

Look beyond how small you look and begin to see how big you are on the inside. Daniel 11 vs. 32(KJV) puts it aptly: “…but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”

Pray With Me: Lord, I may be small but I will make great things happen, in Jesus’ name!.

And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.” (1 Kings 17: 4).

When God sent Elijah to the Brook Cherith, He commanded Elijah to drink from the brook. Elijah was sent to a stream where he could find water to drink; we drink water in order to be sustained; so Elijah was sent to a stream where he could be sustained.

Ephesians 5 vs. 26 compares water to God’s word. So, Elijah was sent to a place to be sustained by God’s word; God sent Elijah to find sustenance in the Word.

Friend, God says, you will be sustained by the Word. You will survive by God’s Word; you will be revived, recharged, and renewed by the Word. When others go down, God’s word will sustain you; God’s word will strengthen you when you are weak; God’s word will give you the grace to run your race; God’s word will usher you into divine provision; God’s word will open the doors of heaven on your behalf.

Your sustenance is not in your bank account or about whom you know; it is not about what is working for or against you; it is not even about what you can do for yourself; it is all about God.

God can sustain you even when you can’t sustain yourself; God can help you survive in the darkest moments of your destiny; God can sustain you even when the economy, policies, people, etc are not in your favor.

When you are down and out, when you are out of options, when the battles of life turn against you, and when you have no one to support you, connect to God’s word and you will be sustained.

Connect to God through His word; speak God’s word into your destiny and into your future; God’s word is the key to your sustenance.

Jesus Himself put it this way in Luke 4 vs. 4: “… It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.”

Pray With Me: Lord, I shall be sustained by Your word, in Jesus’ name!.

Fear Not! The Ravens Will Not Consume Your Divine Package

…..and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there. 6. And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening…” (1 Kings 17: 4, 6).

God sent ravens to feed Elijah when he hid around the Brook Cherith. Ravens eat meat and flesh. So, God sent ravens that had the capacity to eat meat but instead of eating the meat they were given, they delivered it to the owner. The ravens loved to eat meat, but they did not eat Elijah’s meat. They could easily have destroyed Elijah’s blessing, but they brought it closer to him.

Friend, hear God’s Word: the ‘ravens’ will feed you; those that want to destroy your blessings will bring your blessings closer to you; those that hate and despise you will be God’s servants to supply your needs; God will use your haters to facilitate your progress; your package will be delivered to you untouched despite those who want to have it; the people who conspired against you in the past, will turn around and run errands to favor you.

The ravens didn’t eat Elijah’s package; God says, no ‘raven’ will devour your divine package. Whatever God has packaged for you shall not be taken by another man; whatever God has sent to you will not be diverted; whatever God has destined for you will come to you irrespective of haters around you; multitudes may be interested in God’s package for you, but they can’t have it because God won’t let them have it.

Stop living in the fear of the ‘ravens’ around you. Stop getting worked up on account of haters and enemies. They may not like you, but God will use them to favor you; they may want your package, but your package is untouchable. They may not be willing to serve you, but God will compel them to serve you.

Pray With Me: Lord, the ‘ravens’ will deliver my divine package; no man shall take what is mine, in Jesus’ name!

Be Careful With Your Words

And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land.” (1 Kings 17: 7).

The Brook Cherith was within the locale that Elijah cursed, and it later dried up in line with Elijah’s proclamation. God sent Elijah to the Brook for protection and sustenance, but Elijah’s words affected the Divine provision that God made for him, and made it impossible for God to sustain him within Israel.

Friend, God’s word can only work within the confines of your confession and declaration; your words can undermine God’s intentions for your destiny. God can speak a word concerning you, and that word will fail to come to pass because of what you said with your own lips. Your negative confessions can truncate God’s word concerning you. Your negative words can work against you.

If God speaks concerning you and you speak in doubt and disbelief, you might hinder the fulfillment of God’s word; if God says it is possible and you keep confessing that it is impossible, you may end up having your way and possibilities will become impossible; if your words are contrary to God’s intentions towards you, be careful, you are working against yourself.

Don’t speak words that contradict God’s word concerning you; don’t speak words that oppose what God said about you. If God’s word says it, agree with it and declare it; if God says it, don’t speak against it; let your confessions be in line with what God has said concerning you.

Elijah’s words caused a famine in Israel, and he suffered it. Be careful with your words; if you say it and it will haunt you later, then don’t even say it.

Proverbs 18 vs. 21 captures it aptly: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

Pray With Me: Lord, I choose to speak words that won’t oppose Your word, in Jesus’ name!


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