The Grace That Births Greatness By Pastor Ofili

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This morning I will be speaking us on what I call “the Grace that births greatness“.

You see God is too exceptional in the things he does, God is very excellent and when God does anything you can’t improve it and that is why I believe that when God created you, He created you to be so excellent, he created you with all the things that you would need for life and godliness, but when we look at our lives we discover that in some areas we struggle, and we ask, “why is it that although I’m born again, although I claim to have been graced by God, I still struggle?

That is what by the grace of God we are going to interrogate in the word of God this morning.

When the Lord God created you and I, the Bible says that as Adam came forth, the Lord God spoke unto Adam, because Adam came forth not knowing the things that has been loaded into him, so the Bible says that as Adam came forth the Lord God said to him: “be fruitful, multiply, dominate and do all kinds of things (Genesis 1:28).

The Lord God at that time was speaking to the potential that was already resident in the life of Adam, but you see, if Adam does not come to the full realization of what God has already put in him even though there’s so much investment in his life, he will still live a life of struggle and that is why today we will be looking at the Grace that births greatness

Let’s look at 2nd Corinthians Chapter 4:7, it says “for we have this treasure in earthen vessel that the excellence of power may be of God and not of men”.

So the word of God again is just reiterating one thing that you are not a nonentity and you can’t be one. You are not someone that is just going by in the journey of life and you will not matter, you are someone that God has taken time off to create and God has also put so much into your life that He wants your life to be a reflection of what he has always wanted.

So the Bible makes us to understand in the book of 1st Timothy 1:2 and we are carefully going to look at what the scripture said concerning Timothy because today is our Timothy Sunday so there is something that Paul the apostle said in the book of 1st Timothy chapter 1:2.

It was so important that he referred to that thing, 1 Timothy 1:2 says “Unto Timothy my own son in the faith, he said grace, mercy and Peace.

Now if you look at 2nd Timothy chapter 1:2,

He made mention of the same thing He said “To Timothy my dearly beloved son” He used the word “Grace”, so grace is something that is very important to us in our Christian journey, and today we are going to look at what Grace means in the Bible.

Many times we say “Wow, that brother is graced, that sister is graced”, we’re going to look at it today very quickly, and I pray that as we look into this, the Lord will do for us, great things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Now grace will set up the supernatural in your life, but it is your participation that will determine when and where the grace will stop.

Paul the Apostle made mention of something in the Word of God, He said: “I am what I am by the grace of God, and we are going to look into that scripture, because many times we read it but we get confused, but by the grace of the Lord, this morning the Lord will speak to us clearly, about what the bible is saying, when Paul the Apostle said “I am what I am by the grace of God”

Let’s look at 2nd Corinthians 6:1, “We then as workers together with him beseech you, that you receive not the grace of God in vain”.

So Paul the Apostle here, is telling us something, that you can receive the grace of God, and the grace of God will become vain in your life, I pray that will not be your portion in Jesus mighty name.

At another time, in the book of Galatians 2:21, He said “I Paul, I do not frustrate the grace of God, so this morning, we are going to attempt to define what the grace of God is, I know there is a general definition of grace that means: unmerited favor, it means unmerited endowment of God upon a man’s life, but may I say that even though that definition of grace is correct, it is not entirely what grace means.

I want us to understand something in the book of 1 Peter 5:10, here, the bible says “but the God of all grace”, the first thing I want to say here is that grace is dimensional,. There are various types of grace, in this scripture, Peter is saying there is a God that can grant a man all grace, so theologians have been able to differentiate grace in several ways, but today, we will be considering two types of grace.

The first one is what the theologians call “the saving grace” according to Ephesians 2:10, that is the grace you and I responded to when we first read the scripture. When you read the scripture, there was a grace that was released into your life, that made you to believe the scripture.

It is the same grace that God released to the people that listened to Peter in Acts 2, the bible said 3,000 men listened to Peter, and after listening to Peter, they asked “men and brethren, what can we do?”

It is the saving grace that has brought you and I here this morning…

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