Courage To Do The Right Thing By Pst. Dr. Tunde Ode

Table of Contents

We are here this morning coincidentally on a Sunday celebrating the memorial of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

It is very important that if you are celebrating any body let the celebration evolve around the person. For example you won’t be telling me happy birthday and then, make party for yourself, so this morning; is it about Jesus Christ or about you? Thank God for the beautiful clothes, foods, but let’s not forget that today is about Jesus Christ.

It is very important that we don’t lose that consciousness, so what can we do to make Jesus happy?

That’s why I’m excited that coincidentally today we are taking offering for evangelism and I wish that everyone in church has sincerely sown a seed towards a soul this day, and if you haven’t done that, please do so, because one of the things we can do to make Jesus Christ happy on an occasion like this is to add value to the kingdom through soul winning, if you can’t go out to evangelize, you can allow your seed to do that one your behalf.

So today, it’s about Jesus, we are going to pray three prayers this morning,. It’s a privilege that we are alive today, we started the year with so many people but they are not here on this last Sunday of 2022, the truth is that 2022 took alot of lives, many died, not because they are sick, not because they are careless or not mindful of their health.

You and i are alive, Jesus deserves our praise, if anyone dies, nothing will change, church will continue, but the mercy of God has kept us, so let’s give Him thanks.


1. Give God thanks for preserving you and your entire family, ensure to do this consciously and genuinely.

Many have gone, how we succeeded through out the year is a miracle, so give thanks to God.

The bible spoke about the three wise men that saw the star of Jesus and they trailed it to where Jesus Christ was born, there is a star that you carry, and it’s either your star attracts good to you or your star if it has been tampered with, will detract good from you, because of the symbolic birth of Christ this season, we will make claims

Second Prayer: Lord let my star attract goodness into my life.

Say after me: My Father, my father, from now henceforth, let my star as it was in the life of my savior Jesus Christ, begin to attract goodness into my life I’m Jesus mighty name.

Peradventure your star has been tampered with, pray the above prayers, they will re-energize the glory of your star.

Pray that your star will begin to attract gold, frankincense and myrrh, whatever these gifts symbolizes in the birth of Jesus Christ, the same thing will be your portion henceforth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Finally you are going to pray: your life will not be a waste, I wonder what Methuselah lives for, over 900 years, what impact, what value, whose life or destiny did he impact?, there’s no record of these things, I pray that you will not waste away like smoke.

Pray now: My Father My Father my life will not be in vain, I will not waste away in the sand of life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ spent 33 years on the surface of the earth, and we are yet to recover from the impact of His existence, today the whole World, is in joy, we are celebrating this single man that spent only 33 years but His impact has not left us, pray for yourself, that you will fulfill purpose, you will fulfill destiny, your children and yourself will not waste away in the sand of life. It is very important that you pray this prayer

Remember that whatever you say into His ears is what He will do, so ask the Lord this day, that your life will not be a waste in the sand of life.

Declare: I will impact my generation, I will impact my community.

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